Infinity Training & Coaching are a leading provider of Breathwork Training in Australia, dedicated to transforming lives through the power of Breathwork.

We believe that many of today’s health challenges can be resolved by simply learning to breathe better. Our mission is to impact 1 million lives by re-educating people on how to breathe effectively, optimising both health and well-being.

Breathwork offers a unique path to healing, bridging the gap between psychological and somatic approaches where other methods may fall short.

We are committed to delivering comprehensive training programs that empower our students to become world-class, confident facilitators, ready to help us change the world—one breath at a time.



Infinity Training & Coaching are a leading provider of Breathwork Training in Australia, dedicated to transforming lives through the power of Breathwork.

We believe that many of today’s health challenges can be resolved by simply learning to breathe better. Our mission is to impact 1 million lives by re-educating people on how to breathe effectively, optimising both health and well-being.

Breathwork offers a unique path to healing, bridging the gap between psychological and somatic approaches where other methods may fall short.

We are committed to delivering comprehensive training programs that empower our students to become world-class, confident facilitators, ready to help us change the world—one breath at a time.




Our vision is to create a world where individuals are deeply connected to their breath, their inner selves, and their communities. We believe that by mastering the art of breathing, we can cultivate a healthier, more balanced, and more vibrant life. Through our dedicated training and supportive community, we aim to inspire and empower people to embrace holistic wellness.


Our mission is to provide the highest quality breathwork training and coaching to help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals. We aim to make breathwork accessible and beneficial for everyone, whether you're seeking to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, enhance emotional resilience, or simply live a more mindful and connected life.


Co-Founders Chris & Shani


Shani is an enthusiastic Life Coach and Breathwork Facilitator who specialises in Women's Empowerment and Feminine Leadership. 

Shani approaches her coaching programs with a diverse skillset of powerful modalities centred around sexuality, relationships and nervous system regulation.

Shani is passionate about leading women home to their truest nature and their innate feminine essence. 

Shani is a huge believer that you can have anything you want, as long as you're willing to show up for it, and her mission is to help her clients realise this too.


Chris is a Trauma-Informed Life Coach who specialises in psychosomatic approaches to achieve life changing results for his clients.

Chris believes working with the mind and the body as one, yields the best possible returns on your transformation efforts.

Chris is passionate about educating others around psychology, the nervous system, Breathwork and practical ways to take back control of your life.

He has guided 100's of clients to greatness, and wakes up everyday excited to help more. 

You will also find Chris leading our Breathwork Facilitator Training program - one of the most comprehensive and impactful trainings in the country.

Chris was also featured in the Moreton Bay News Sentinel on June 29, 2023, highlighting his impactful work in promoting mental health through Breathwork and holistic practices.

The article delves into his journey and dedication to helping individuals improve their mental wellbeing by reconnecting with their breath and inner selves.

Chris’s innovative methods and commitment to mental health have significantly benefited the community, creating a supportive space for personal growth and emotional resilience.

His work underscores the critical importance of mental health awareness and the transformative power of intentional breathing.

The recognition Chris has received from local media has also ignited a wider discussion on integrating holistic practices into mental health care.

The Moreton Bay News Sentinel article reveals how his techniques have inspired others and contributed to a growing movement towards holistic, preventive mental health approaches.

By offering workshops, personal coaching, and community events, Chris is bridging the gap between traditional mental health treatments and alternative practices, advocating for a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to overall well-being.


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Transform Your Physical and Mental Health With Breathwork

May 26, 2024



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